Our Work
Northern Exposures Photography is the perfect destination for all of your outdoor photography or videography needs. Our passion for capturing the beauty of nature, sports, people and events is evident in the quality of our photos, videos, and services. Our experience with video combines the latest in camera, drone and GoPro technology along with our traditional photography to create stunning visuals.
We specialize in capturing a wide variety of subjects, such as real estate, events, weddings, portraits, music, business, and sports. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality images or video that you can share with the world. Let us help you tell your story with Northern Exposures Photography.
Our Stock
We have access to thousands of high-quality stock photos and video clips shot and owned by us to help you create stunning visuals for your videos. Our library is stocked with diverse and unique content from all the local wildlife and popular attractions and local destinations around Elliot Lake and Northern Ontario, so we can find the perfect clips or fillers for your project. We will license all of our copyrighted photos and video used for your project so that you can have familiar and authentic material used within your video.
Promotional Videos
We offer professional promotional video services that help you showcase your products and services in an engaging, creative way. Our videos are designed to capture the attention of your audience and leave a lasting impression. With our experience we can create a video that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Check out this promotional video we did for the City of Elliot Lake!
Advertising Videos
We create engaging, creative advertising videos that help you get the word out about your business. Our videos capture attention and effectively communicate your message to your target audience. Our approach to professionalism can help you make your vision a reality.
We handle all the licensing of music used. Check out this promo video we did using only still photos to advertise our photography services!
Real Estate, AirBnB & Cottage Rental Videos
Our Real Estate Video service provides professional, high-quality videos or walkthroughs to help advertise your AirBnB rental, cottage rental, or real estate property. Our videos highlight the best features of your property. Nearby local amenities can be added to your video providing potential customers with an in-depth look at what your property & local area has to offer. Let us help you get the most out of your real estate video advertising. Please refer to our Real Estate page for more details: CLICK HERE
Business Videos
We specialize in creating high-quality business videos that are tailored to your needs. Our services range from professional recruitment videos to product videos that will help you reach your target audience. With our experience, we can create the perfect video for your business. Check out this recruitment video created for City of Elliot Lake using only still photos instead of video footage.
Personal Videos
When creating personal videos, we specialize in capturing unique and personalized videos using the latest drone and GoPro technology to capture different perspectives. We provide stunning aerial footage and underwater footage, as well as body camera shots to make your video truly stand out from the rest. Check out this body cam footage from Lumberjack Days!
Event Commercials
We provide professional video services for all types of events, from music concerts to product launches. Our experienced team can create short commercials that capture the essence of the event and communicate your message effectively. We will work closely with you to ensure that each commercial meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Check out this short commercial promoting the 2023 Lumberjack Days held at Mississagi Provincial Park!
Event Videos
We provide high-quality video services for any event. Our experienced team can create custom event movies, long videos, and music videos to capture the memories of your special day. We guarantee that our videos will be a cherished keepsake for years to come. Check out this video of the Algoma Children's Fishing Derby in Elliot Lake!
Wedding Videos
We offer professional wedding video services with stunning drone footage of your portraits and GoPro & Camera footage of your ceremony & reception. Capture all of the special moments of your big day, from the first look, to the first dance, and everything in between. We guarantee beautiful, high-definition portraits mixed with footage in a creative presentation that will help you relive your special day for years to come. Video sample soon! Check out this drone shot of a bride and groom on the cliffs at Spanish Marina!
Pricing Estimates: (call for quote)
Raw Footage (unedited):
-Unedited Drone footage is $200.00 per 30 mins flying. This will include some jpg still photos and mp4 video clips. Duration will be based on what I can capture within 30 mins (1 battery)
-For photos only it is $150.00 (no video files)
-Raw Video footage action GoPro: $200.00 per 30 mins on location. Camera will not be running the entire time as we will have to change batteries, or move locations.
-Raw Video footage 360 GoPro: $200.00 for 30 mins on location.
-360 degree photo from ground (GoPro) or Aerial (Drone) is $50.00 per photo with instructions on how to post and share properly.
Edited Video:
Finished commercial video (including text) at a rate of $400.00 per finished minute ($200.00 billed per 30 second intervals).
1:00 ----------> $400
1:01-1:30 ---> $600
1:31-2:00 ---> $800
*Costs reflect all available editing materials in post production, the music licensing fees, the production software & fees, production labour time including delivery assistance and maintenance, non-exclusive photo and video material licensing, use of our personal stock collection (atv, snowmobile, kayaking, golf, ski hill, fishing, outdoor activities, aerial scenery, drone, GoPro etc) and our video capturing and processing time.
**I would need to sit down with you and create a storyboard for the video to discuss what our goals are in the video, what words and messages we want for advertising and what mood we need from music selection.
***Time/Fuel charges will apply if outside of Elliot Lake or video takes more then one visit to location to capture. Rates are $1.00 per kilometer if out of town for each visit or $50.00 per additional visit if in Elliot Lake district.