Elite Photo Sessions
Book an Elite Photo Session today and we can begin planning out your fantasy look. These sessions are weather dependent and may require rescheduling if the conditions are not good. Ideal conditions would be evening sun, mostly cloudy or overcast. All sessions will be flashed. Props welcomed and encouraged. Costume or clothing should be fitting to the scene or unique. We can offer recommendations for clothing if you are unsure what to wear. Bring bug stray and prepare to pose!
No smiles, serious, curious, innocent or blank stares are desired emotions to practice.
Fantasy / Dreamy / Mysterious

After the photo session is complete, we carefully alter the photo to appear more fantasy by adding sunrays, fog, props, color masks, and hue altercations. We remove all blemishes from skin tones and aim for a smoother skin look. Chin and tummy tucking may also be applied as well as other altercations to physical shape and clothing. We apply soft matte layers over the image and mask out the subject to create more pop against the backdrop. Added bokeh and blur will be applied to backgrounds creating a more creamy textures.
Post - Production

Elite Sessions take much more planning and preparation to shoot and require much more time in post production to achieve the desired results.